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Title: Concentration phenomena in the geometry of Bell correlations
Authors: Duarte, Cristhiano
Brito, Samuraí Gomes de Aguiar
Amaral, Barbara
Araújo, Rafael Chaves Souto
Keywords: Quantum correlations in quantum information;Quantum nonlocality
Issue Date: 19-Dec-2018
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: DUARTE, Cristhiano; BRITO, Samuraí; AMARAL, Barbara; CHAVES, Rafael. Concentration phenomena in the geometry of Bell correlations. Physical Review A, [S.L.], v. 98, n. 6, p. 062114, 19 dez. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 set. 2020.
Portuguese Abstract: Bell’s theorem shows that local measurements on entangled states give rise to correlations incompatible with local-hidden-variable models. The degree of quantum nonlocality is not maximal though, as there are even more nonlocal theories beyond quantum theory still compatible with the nonsignaling principle. In spite of decades of research, we still have a very fragmented picture of the whole geometry of these different sets of correlations. Here we employ both analytical and numerical tools to ameliorate that. First, we identify two different classes of Bell scenarios where the nonsignaling correlations can behave very differently: In one case, the correlations are generically quantum and nonlocal while in the other quite the opposite happens as the correlations are generically classical and local. Second, by randomly sampling over nonsignaling correlations, we compute the distribution of a nonlocality quantifier based on the trace distance to the local set. With that we conclude that the nonlocal correlations can show a concentration phenomenon: Their distribution is peaked at a distance from the local set that increases both with the number of parts or measurements being performed
ISSN: 2469-9926
Appears in Collections:ECT - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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