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Title: Levels of infection and colonization of some oral bacteria after use of naf, chlorhexidine and a combined chlorhexidine with naf mouthrinses
Authors: Lima, Kenio Costa de
Neves, Aline A.
Beyruth, Janine B.
Magalhães, Fernando A. C.
Uzeda, Milton de
Keywords: Chlorhexidine;Sodium fluoride;Cariogenic bacteria;Oral streptococci
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: LIMA, K. C. et al . Levels of infection and colonization of some oral bacteria after use of NaF, chlorhexidine and a combined chlorhexidine with NaF mouthrinses. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Brasil, v. 32, n.2, p. 158-161, 2001.
Portuguese Abstract: This study was carried out to evaluate levels of infection of bacteria involved in caries and oral streptococci and their colonization after use of mouthrinses with NaF, chlorhexidine and chlorhexidine plus NaF. Combination of chlorhexidine and fluoride was the only agent that reduced levels of Streptococcus mutans (group) for 30 days.
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